Important announcements

CLASS Russian 3-1
TIME 9:50 - 10:35
ROOM 4th floor
TEXTBOOKS Е. Протасова, В. Хлебникова
У костра : учебник русского языка как родного для детей младшего школьного возраста, живущих вне России
Subject Russian
PROGRAM Spring 19

In this class​ we will do a lot of reading mainly assigned as homework. In the class, we will discuss what was read at home and work on vocabulary, cultural awareness, and communication strategies.

We continue to study​ ​word-formation​, parts of speech, spelling, and​ ​noun declension. A lot of attention will be paid to grammatical and lexical skills, building up a feel for the language and increasing motivation to use it. Writing skills will be developed through various types of dictations.

Reading includes fragments of I. Krylov, S. Marshak, V. Garshin, A. Usachev, V. Oseeva, A. Kuprin, Charles Perrot,​ ​Grimms Brothers, H. Ch. Andersen.
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