Important announcements

CLASS English 4a
TEACHER Elizabeth Breau  
TIME Mo 5:00-6:00
Subject English
PROGRAM Greek Mythology (grades 5-6)

Greek mythology has had a tremendous influence on our culture. It appears in our language, our science, and our stories. References to Greek myths and the gods and goddesses who populate them act as a kind of cultural shorthand that all well-educated people are expected to know. We will explore what these stories have to teach us about good and evil, virtue and vice, human nature, family relationships, and why it’s always a good idea to listen to the instructions.

In addition to the texts listed below, we will supplement our learning with a variety of online resources. Students will be asked to read, discuss, and write about the myths they read and to explore their ongoing importance in today’s world.

Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods, by Rick Riordan

My Ancient Greek Activity Book (free download) file:///C:/Users/EndUser/Desktop/ancient_greece_activity_booklet.pdf
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